


We are engaged in Customs clearance of Import Cargo shipments in various European & Chinese Ports, Our expanse knowledge and expertise in logistics, customs clearance in China & Europe positions us to be your most preferred cargo forwarder. We offer very competitive rates for your import cargo shipments & we also co-ordinate door to door import cargo shipments
As your preferred import & export specialist, we offer a cost-effective method, reliable and efficient logistics services in getting your export cargo shipments to your final destination. Our export service includes advice on shipment methods, the arrangement of bookings and securing foreign import documents and services to various destinations in Europe & China.
In Customs Clearance of cargo destined for European or African markets, one requires full knowledge of both the EU and AU Customs Regulations. We at ECLL have the understanding of both the EU and AU Customs clearance procedures. With our expertise in this area, we ensure that your goods flow smoothly. We keep our clients informed of the cargo clearance movement.